Aaron Lin

Aaron Lin

Aaron Lin

@Aaron_E_Lin; scholar


Aaron is a postdoctoral research fellow, joint between the labs of Dr. Britt Adamson and Dr. Alex Ploss, in the Department of Molecular Biology. Previously, he studied host-virus interactions of herpes simplex virus using mass spectrometry-based proteomics as an undergraduate in Dr. Ileana Cristea's lab (Princeton), and completed a PhD in Virology in Dr. Pardis Sabeti's lab (Harvard University) studying Ebola virus evolution using next-generation sequencing. In his current work, he is developing a CRISPR-based molecular recorder to catalog infection and inflammation events induced by hepatitis C virus (HCV), to determine whether specific cell histories predispose cells towards malignant transformation. His postdoctoral research is being funded by the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Fellowship Award.