Lab at the 2023 MOL Retreat in Long Branch, NJ!

Purnima visits the Adamson lab after her first-year of grad school, Summer 2023.

Sabrina and Aaron attend the MOL picnic, Summer 2023!

Danny Simpson FPO 02/12/2024

Danny Simpson FPO 02/12/2024.

Lab goes out to a lunch in Princeton to welcome Weihao to the lab!

The lab goes for pastries, coffee and matcha at local businesses in Lawrenceville!

Lab goes to lunch in town to celebrate the holidays and the end of 2023- a year full of fun, productivity and great science!

Happy Halloween from the Adamson Lab! Fall 2022.

Lab evening out.

Lab evening out.

Lab meetings on Zoom in the time of Covid-19! Of note, Britt is not actually in lab, but Purnima may or may not be moonlighting at Dunder Mifflin.

Lab attends the MOL departmental picnic, Summer 2022.

The lab members at the NYAS CRISPR New Frontier’s meeting in February 2020.